School Uniform
We believe the wearing of our school uniform supports the whole school ethos and is essential for our school identity. Featherby's uniform is practical, simple and relatively inexpensive. The school expects the wearing of the uniform.
All uniform should be marked with the child’s name.
Getting unIform:
We have recently changed uniform providers and Uniformbase in Chatham (Railway Street, ME4 4HU) will stock all our uniform. You can order/arrange to collect uniform by appointment by calling: 01634 407217 or by dropping in to the shop in person.
You can order online via Uniformbase - click either:
EYFS/KS1 (Infant & Nursery) Uniform
Our younger pupils wear:
- White polo shirt
- Grey/Black school trousers, skirts, pinafore dress or shorts
- Blue 'Featherby' school cardigan, jumper or fleece
- Sensible black school shoes
- In Summer, blue and white gingham checked school dresses may also be worn (Summer Uniform can be worn from start of Term 5 through to and including Term 1 - as the weather is often warm into September and October)
- A book bag, for safely transporting their reading books etc
For PE they should wear:
- Blue shorts
- White T-Shirt
- Plimsolls (for indoor PE)
- Trainers (for outdoor PE)
- A track suit top and jogging bottoms (any colour) should also be sent to school for outdoor PE for warmth
All to be kept in a named PE bag
KS2 (Junior) Uniform
Our older pupils wear:
- 'Featherby' School Tie
- White cotton collared school shirt
- Grey/Black school trousers, skirts or shorts
- Blue 'Featherby' school cardigan, jumper or fleece
- Sensible black school shoes
- In Summer, blue and white gingham checked school dresses may also be worn (Summer Uniform can be worn from start of Term 5 through to and including Term 1 - as the weather is often warm into September and October)
- A book bag, for safely transporting their reading books etc
For PE they should wear:
- Blue shorts
- White T-Shirt
- Plimsolls (for indoor PE)
- Trainers (for outdoor PE)
- A track suit top and jogging bottoms (ideally blue or black) should also be sent to school for outdoor PE for warmth
All to be kept in a named PE bag
For Swimming they should wear:
Girls must wear a one piece costume (not a bikini) and boys must not wear long baggy shorts for swimming.
If being treated for a verruca, a protective sock must be worn.
It is recommended from the Amateur Swimming Association that goggles should NOT be worn in a teaching situation unless there is a medical reason.
Jewellery & Hairbands
As a result of the Health and Safety Directive children must not wear jewellery in school. It relies upon the co-operation of parents to achieve its aims. If ears are pierced only studs must be worn and children must remove them to take part in PE. This is why we advise that parents have their children's ears pierced at the every start of the Summer Holidays, to give the piercing the best possible opportunity to heal before we return to school.
If jewellery is worn no member of the school staff can take responsibility for its safe-keeping.
We advise that if a child's hair is long, it is plaited or tied back for safety and to prevent the threat of headlice spreading. However we ask that hairbands and bows are not too big or ostentatious. As a guide, if the bow is bigger than their ear then we suggest it is not worn in school.