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Entrepreneurial Curriculum


To us, it means child-led learning showcases - where children are proud and confident to share their learning. Although recent events have stopped us sharing our wonderful learning, we can't wait to start to share the learning with our adults again and this is best demonstrated by our 2019 Expo... 

Expo - Summer 2019

The Featherby Schools held the first Maritime EXPO on Friday 5th July 2019. The theme 'Inventions to Save the World' was shared across all Maritime Schools from Nursery children to Year 6.  The Expo showcased the creativity and collaboration between children and schools to design inventions that would protect the planet. To see the high quality designs through to prototypes on display and to hear the children share their design processes and ideas was fantastic.

Parents, children, staff and directors from across the Maritime Trust shared an experience that showcased the depth of knowledge children acquired, the key life and functional skills developed through the curriculum and the collaboration of creativity! It was a pleasure to host the first Maritime Expo and to share the enjoyment with all who attended and with those who dropped in via Google Hangout and watched the Expo live from their home schools!

The positive feedback from all those who attended is something we are very proud of!  




During the academic year, each year group have a special Big Outcome, when they share their learning with parents and families.  Let's take a look at some of the year group activities we've ENJOYED....


Year 4 brought the fun of the 'Big Top' to Featherby in Autumn 2018, when they shared their circus themed learning with their families as part of a fun-packed afternoon of performances in their 'Cirque de Featherby':




Year 6 taught their adults to 'make do and mend' during rationing and jitterbugged 'til they dropped at their WWII themed big outcome...



 EYFS entertained their parents with their singing and with their kite-making activities followed by a tea party at their 'Let's go fly a kite' showcase...



 As part of their topic on Japanese culture, Year 5 produced a scaled-up Japanese art masterpiece in the hall out of recycled materials (with some help from their adults) - the results had to be seen to be believed...




That's just a taster of what our creative curriculum has to offer.  Additionally during 2018/19...

  • Year 2 treated their parents to a sustainable fishy meal, worthy of Gordon Ramsey, with their Featherby’s Fabulous Fish event and also replicated the devastation on 1666, with The Great Fire of Featherby London; 
  • Year 3 educated their parents on their Stone Age weaponry and prehistoric survival skills; and
  • Year 1 impressed us all with their wonderful Zeraffa Giraffa themed art and fashion show.